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White Lake Handyman

2759 4th Conc, Whitelake, ON K0A 3L0
Telephone: 613-222-5960

White Lake ON Ontario - Discover Incredible White Lake Ontario Canada - Fishing - Camping - RV Parks - Swimming - Boating - Cottages and more...

Events - White Lake ON Ontario is a very short drive from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Renfew, Arnprior, Almonte and Mississippi Mills, and everyone can appreciate that something with so much to offer, so close to home, will give you and your family more time to enjoy all the activities you love to do. A Harris-Decima poll suggests 6 in 10 Canadians will still take a vacation, but most will spend their holiday close to home. White Lake can be your ultimate stay-cation vacation. Home to the one and only 21st Annual Ottawa Valley Midsummer Herbfest Festival 2016.