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North Hastings Children's Services

20 Hastings Heritage Way, Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0
Telephone: 613-332-0179

North Hastings Children's ServicesNorth Hastings Children's Services

Welcome to North Hastings Children's Services! We're here to support you and your family and provide the resources you need, from licensed childcare, to parent workshops, prenatal support, playgroups, Triple P Parenting resources, literacy support, and so much more! We are located in the heart of downtown Bancroft, in a spacious facility with plenty of room for your child to play, explore and grow. We offer weekly playgroups and support groups to help you make the most of your budget, your time, and to fully embrace this incredible time in your life as you watch your children develop new friendships, skills and interests. Check out our childcare services, playgroups and events, and programs and resources, and stay in the loop by checking out what's new by scrolling down or clicking here.